Please no more donations ! Within exactly two months, 24,000.- have been donated !    Thank you !!!!!!

(updated July 13, 2016)                                                Still needed: 0.- €

What is the money needed for?

Fees OLG (17.2.2016)

Costs lawyer of opposing party (incl. fees) (25.4.2016)

Costs own lawyer (incl. fees) (16.6.2016)

Appeal (25.4.2016)

Costs accomodation credit 





How to donate ?

Account in Germany:  ---

Account in Austria:  ---

or directly with credit card via Paypal (CLICK HERE !) 


How much am I supposed to donate ?

Example: if you donate 0 €, we need altogether donors - if you donate 0 €, we need altogether only 0 donors. But if you can only afford 0 Euros, we are also grateful for your kind donation.

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